
Our cutting-edge technologies make online courses easy for schools. Online education allows flexibility for students and teachers. Teach online any time. Boost classroom’s potential. Use every bit of the campus. Vaud, Lausanne, Geneva, Switzerland.

Teach online any time

Learning spaces can no longer be limited to the four walls of a classroom. As never before, online learning allows flexibility for all participants, anywhere, anytime. But a good preparation for the delivery of virtual courses is essential for this experience to be effective and enjoyable for both students and teachers. State-of-the-art technologies facilitate video conferencing with the sharing of high quality audio and video files, course recording, streaming video and live presentations from any connected laptop or mobile device. Although classes are conducted digitally, the technologies we implement create an environment in which students and teachers can collaborate, interact and communicate as if they were in the same room!

Boost classroom’s potential

Boost classroom’s potential

The often outdated and unreliable technology wastes valuable classroom time for teachers and students. The aim is to enable an instant start to the course. With an intelligent control system, teachers can start the course with a single button on a touch screen or by plugging a single cable into their laptop, broadcast a presentation on a dedicated screen, view a document, or start recording the course. Students can instantly show their project by streaming high quality video from their mobile device directly to the room screen using wireless presentation technology. The same installation can easily create the most favourable learning environment by adapting lighting, setting the optimal room temperature and lowering the shades. This solution guarantees maximum concentration for the students.

Use every bit of the campus

Campus public spaces such as residence halls, libraries, on-campus cafeteria, and lounges have become as important as classrooms and lecture halls for learning experience. Here students collaborate on group projects, discuss lectures and more. So it is of crucial importance to strategically add digital and wireless capabilities to these public spaces to turn them into dynamic meeting hubs for students. With smart technologies, students can stream lectures, wirelessly share files, and present their work on a local display in no time. You as institution can also profit from these displays to share important information across the entire campus.

Make residences attractive

Make residences attractive

More and more students nowadays choose to reside off-campus because on-campus outdated accommodation no longer satisfies their needs. To bring ultra-connected students of today back to school residences we suggest equipping their rooms up to high technological standards. Let them control their AV, lights, shades, and adapt room temperature all with just one touch for maximum comfort. Thus their private space becomes ideal for both relaxation and individual studying and contributes to their overall productivity.

Contact us

9 + 5 =


Chemin d'Entre-Bois 29A
1018 Lausanne


L-V : 8h00 – 18h00